06 May 2011


So, today is my last day at work.

I know, I know, why am I giving up a job in today's economy? Starting in a week I am going into all day summer school classes, and was going to have to take a leave of absence anyway. I didn't want to leave the company high and dry for almost three months. I wanted them to be able to fill the position that I hold. With a company that only has 12 people in it a three month leave is a big deal.

It is hard to leave here (my boss was just saying that there has been a Wolf in the company for the last 12 years--my husband worked her before I did), but it was also an easy choice for me. I have known many of these people for 10 years, some for only a few months, but I know that I will still be having contact with them (since I get my internet connection from them). The easy part is that my priorities have always been Family, School, and then Work (and in that order) and so School had to win out over Work. With these two classes this summer, I will have finished my B.A!!!! These last 4 1/2 years has been rough (I have been working the whole time--either two jobs or one full time job--and going to school full time) with no time for extra curricular activities. I am hoping that this will change.

Who knows, I may actually have time to clean the house, take the dog to the park, and enjoy my family.

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