06 March 2012

All Things Irksome: Okay, maybe not all the things that I find exasperating, but some of the ones that are really bugging me right now. This was supposed to be a list of things, but there were too many, and too much I wanted to say that I had to break them down separately.

Rant #3
Rush Limbaugh
Fat, Old Men Who Think They Can Tell Me What I Can Do With My Body

Why is it that fat, old men think that they have the right to govern my body? Or, just old men? Or, just men?  Will they ever have to worry about having a baby or not? Well, maybe, but I bet that if they are worrying about it then they shouldn’t have had sex in the first place, because it was probably with an inappropriate partner, and you better believe that they would be the first ones to pony up the money for that abortion. Let’s face it, they really don’t want a baby that they shouldn’t have made to end up public knowledge.
Also, what is with the movement to make women 2nd class citizens again? Rush says that if a woman needs birth control, she is a slut or a whore. Did we time warp back to the 1950s? And what is he scared about, anyway. It’s not as if it affects him at all. He isn’t getting any younger—or thinner—so the end can’t be that far away. And don’t get me started on Santorum. I can’t believe that ANY woman would vote for him, and his poor wife! He give such a low value to women that he would probably like us to go back to not having the vote. It seems that we are to be seen and not heard. We are supposed to be docile little creatures that look to our men to tell us how to behave and what we can have.  He is a hateful, controlling, misogynist, and I hope the Republicans are intelligent enough to see that. I refuse to go back to being a piece of property, with only fluff for brains. Unless he is going to defer all my student loans………..

All Things Irksome: Okay, maybe not all the things that I find exasperating, but some of the ones that are really bugging me right now. This was supposed to be a list of things, but there were too many, and too much I wanted to say that I had to break them down separately.

Rant #2


So I have a problem. I have been out of high school for 20 years, but my social life (or lack thereof) is still directly impacted by cliques.
I work part time, and mostly from home, but I do go into the office two days a week. This is mostly because I was going crazy working from home with little or no contact with other human beings. There is only just so far that a conversation with the dog or cat can go. We are social creatures, and I am a very social creature. I like people—in general. I love to people watch (I am doing it right now at Starbucks while I write this). I like to have conversations with strangers. How are we supposed to learn anything new if we don’t reach out to others?
                Anyway, like I said, the main reason that I go into the office is to be around people. I thought that I would make friends and go to lunch with the others. Maybe go out for drinks after work, but no. This is where the cliques come in. There are the customer service and provisioning people that clump together, the sales agents that seem to be pretty solitary, and you have the sales analysts that do things together. (the different sections seem to be kinda catty to each other) And, then you have me. I am a different branch on the tree. I am the only person in my department, and *GASP* I am the boss’s wife.
                No one wants to hang out with me because they think I will tattle to the boss. I can’t say that I wouldn’t, but I can’t say that I would, either. So, all-in-all, it really makes no difference that I go into the office. I could be doing laundry.

All Things Irksome: Okay, maybe not all the things that I find exasperating, but some of the ones that are really bugging me right now. This was supposed to be a list of things, but there were too many, and too much I wanted to say that I had to break them down separately.

Rant #1

This first one has been bugging me for a while. Poor Kim Kardashian. She was crying about having Psoriasis. She feels it makes her ugly, and since she makes her living off her looks, this could hurt her financially. If this is all she has in the world to support herself, she has done something wrong. Didn’t she get the “always have something to fall back on” speech from her mother?
                I have lived with Psoriasis for almost 20 years. When I first broke out, I had patches on my arms and face. At first I was devastated, I was working in food service, and they would not let me back on the job until I could prove it wasn’t contagious. The doctor wasn’t sure what it was at first and thought it might have been Lupus because of the pattern on my face—did you know that there are no tests for Lupus, just tests that say you don’t have it (at least that was the way it was when they were looking at me). It actually took me four doctors and about 5 years to get a diagnosis. One would say Psoriasis and the next would say Eczema, and vice versa. At one point it covered 60% of my body. Even now, it is on my hands, arms, feet, legs, and face with a few patches on my torso. It manifests mostly on the joints (knuckles, elbows, and knees), but there are patches on the fleshy parts, too.
                But, I am not “ugly.” Men still find me attractive. I have a wonderful husband that knew about the Psoriasis before we got married (and had seen it at its worst).I walk down the street and have men stop to talk to me. And, I believe that it has to do with my personality. I am happy, open, and outgoing. I smile with my whole face (I have the crows feet to prove it). I laugh out loud, and often. I have hit the late 30s, and 40 is fast approaching, but I still get carded. I am not bitter or overly vain, and I rarely wear make-up. But, people look past the scaly skin and see the me underneath.  My husband says he only notices it when it is really bad, and then it is just to sympathize with how uncomfortable I must be.
                If Kim is so worried about some dry skin (because it seems that she is worried most about the visual side of the disease), her priorities are messed up. And if you solely base your worth on your looks, learn a skill fast, those looks don’t last.